Not A Good Day For Me And Fish

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Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2012
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Things have been going so well with my tanks a day like this was bound to happen. See this thread for the unfortunate side of today's events.

Thankfully the day wasn't as bad as it could have been. For my 35 Gallon I settled on Forked Tail Rainbowfish as my second school. Went to the LFS today and even though they told me they had 5 or 6 in stock when I got there it turns out they only had 2 males (which was what I wanted). I should have specified. And I should have just decided then and there to turn around and not get fish. But after Wednesday's Cherry Barb death (otw home from the store - not my fault!) I wanted them, so I bought them, man they must have been young so they were tiny.

Acclimated them to my tank, everything was all good, the Barbs seemed really interested. Soon as I released them into the tank the two female Barbs went NUTS. Started chasing them around and around and around. Poor little guys were teeeeeny next to my barbs. Then I realized my stupid mistake. It was feeding time (I like to feed on a schedule) and I'd just added two tiny little guys to the tank. How much more stupid could I get?

Fed the Barbs and the Loaches and everybody seems to be getting along time now. The Barbs will swim up to the Rainbowfish but they leave them alone.

Feeling far too stupid to be a pet owner right now :(
They're leaving him alone now but I've just got a good look at him, his tail is missing! I feel absolutely awful :( According to the research I've done online the tail can grow back? I'll keep up on water changes so there's less chance of infection, but I'm just at a loss. It's like -gone-. The only other tank I could put him in is with the Guppies in the 10 gallon but that tank kicked off a mini-cycle today when I stocked it, plus idk how the Guppies would react.

Oh man I just feel sick :(
Feeding time maybe, probably
but allot of fish, I'm not up to speed on your species, are territorial.
A new comer or 2 will be tested,chased , and sometimes killed.
A good idea sometimes with my much larger aggressive fish is to introduce after / during a maintenance, I move decorations / rock around and leave em all confused.
they hardly notice the new comers and in a few days I can move the furniture back to where I wanted it.

The learning curve is hectic but you seem to actually care so you will deal with a panic moment or 2 or more. Sign of a good keeper.

As long as he is left alone and tank is in proper condition the tail/ fins will grow back quickly, amazingly fast really.
If the attacks continue I would recommend segregating him,

Be advised that he will be a bit more prone to fin rot and a few other maladies if stressed or damaged.

hang in there It will all sort out. YOU are going to be stellar as a keeper .
Thank you again Moby. The Barbs did so well with my adding the Chain Loaches that I didn't even think about adding these little guys. Won't be making that mistake again.

I've looked for the little guy in the tank this morning - I don't see him :( I'm kinda worried he became a snack once the lights went out.Starting to re-think increasing their school if they're gonna become the tank bullies. The Rainbowfish /should/ grow at least as big as them, if not bigger (2-2.5in) but I wasn't expecting them to be so small to start with. Never had baby fish before.

The other one is doing well, he's playing in the filter output and wandering all around the tank. The Barbs will drive him away from "their plants" but it's not aggressive and nippy like it was with the other. Will keep my eye out for him. There is a denser plan area he could be hiding in but as far as I can tell he's not there. What a sad lesson :(

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