Nose Rot?


New Member
Aug 15, 2012
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I've just noticed one of my torpedo barbs nose seems to be rotting. It white and seems to have lost a bit of flesh. I've tried taking a photo but it was a tad tricky. Does anyone have any ideas what it is or how to treat? I've added some white spot and parasite treatment but don't really think that's what it is.

Probably a better picture.
Just noticed one of my danios also seems to be suffering from the same thing but not quite as bad. Any advice on treatment would be much appreciated. Thanks
Update... Spent ages looking this up last night and concluded its mouth rot. Went out first thing and bought melaflix (recommended by lfs). Treat the tank and left it couple hours, just checked and a dead danio but not the one that visibly looks ill. Can the infection also be internal? Have I got the right thing to hopefully stop it getting any worse? Most worried about the barb, can it recover now I've treat it with the right thing?

Also the tanks been fine for about 4 months and last weekend I added some new plants, could this be the cause? How do you qt plants?
The issue that you have there is that you have 2 lots of medication in the water concurrently - or at least I am assuming you do, as you don't mention doing a huge water change to get rid of the old med.

Fish medications are basically poisons. They rely on giving the infection a large enough dose of poison to kill it off, without killing the fish as well. I suspect your danio died because it was overdosed with medication. Hopefully the barb won't go the same way, but remember that it is already weakened by the original infection.

Going forward, stick to the instructions of the Melafix to the letter, and when the fish has either recovered or died, put a new carbon cartridge in your filter.

And should you get further health problem with your fish in the future, diagnose the problem before you treat it. A bit like you would for yourself.
Thank you. To be honest I just panicked and put in the only medication is had. As soon as I did it i knew I shouldn't have.
Hey, don't beat yourself up over it, we all make mistakes. Do you have any means of quarantining the affected fish?
Yes but only just got it sorted in last half hour. Had to get a friend to bring a tank round. Surprisingly they're still eating, which with a chunk of mouth missing is ppretty impressive.
As I'm sure you realise, water quality in the QT needs to be pristine, so ensure that filtration is spot-on - you may need to move some media from the filter in your main tank over, if the filter on the QT has been unused for a while and particularly so, if the media inside has dried out.

Once you have isolated the affected fish, put a new carbon filter cartridge in the main tank, this will remove the medications from the water there, leave the carbon in for a couple of weeks, then remove it and bin it.

In the QT, I would restart the course of treatment.

Hope it goes well.

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