bmonki Fish Crazy Joined Jul 17, 2012 Messages 376 Reaction score 0 Location Croydon Aug 3, 2012 #1 i had about 25ml left of my Optimus (Seachem) Prime and it got spilled down the sink!! NOOOOO!!
Alm0stAwesome Fish Aficionado Joined Jan 29, 2012 Messages 3,174 Reaction score 0 Location GB Aug 3, 2012 #2 lol that stinks, I've done that before wasn't prime though
fishprotector Fish Gatherer Joined Feb 16, 2011 Messages 2,114 Reaction score 0 Location GB Aug 3, 2012 #3 Always the way. I normally ending knocking the last bit over onto the floor with my big clown feet. Come to think of it, I am down to the last bit so best watch out this weekend
Always the way. I normally ending knocking the last bit over onto the floor with my big clown feet. Come to think of it, I am down to the last bit so best watch out this weekend