I have a 110 gallon heavily planted tank, with a fairly heavy fish load that is about six months old. I have always fertilized in the past lightly, but after an algae outbreak about three months ago I wanted to see what would happen with no fertilizer, and have been amazed. The tank has CO2 injection but has never skipped a beat as far as growth or color/deficiencies. I believe there is a happy medium between fish waste/fertilizer, and plant requirements. I guess time will tell, but with over 16 varieties of plants and not one problem ( I still have to trim out about a gallon of plant material weekly) things are looking good. My substrate is locally collected stream pebbles and sand nothing store bought or mineralized. There are about 120 inches of fish in the tank as well (tetras,loaches,cories,plecos,kribs,shrimp,ottos,siamese algae eaters,barbs) and have not lost one fish. I will continue to go without fertilizers as long as things are healthy. I do a 25% water change weekly. Has anyone ever done this with success long term?