Nom Nom Nom, Squeamish Beware


Fish Herder
Jan 12, 2014
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So this is oscar eating, he ate two mice this week, tell me if you guys would be interested in getting updates everytime he eats, or maybe even a video :p

Alright your gonna have to wait till next Thursday though :p
I've always been torn about snakes. I love them. I think they are beautiful and fascinating. However, I also really like rodents. I think they're adorable and fun to watch. That's really why I haven't been able to make the step and get a snake. My boyfriend says I'm very sensitive, but I just have equal respect for all animals (except freakin spiders!! Also flying insects, ticks, and centipedes). In fact, the only meat in my house is for my dogs and fish. I probably couldn't stomach feeding a potential pet to another pet. (Snails don't count because I don't keep pond snails as potential pets. Only nerite snails or mystery snails .)
Was the mouse Alive? Poor thing... :(
But a snakes gotta eat.
I see it as the circle of life, yes they were born to be eaten, but in the wild it happens naturally, and the way i look at it only vegetarians can criticize the keeping of these likes snakes, not attacking anyone here just stating my opinion lol
I do feed him live foods, not sure if he eats frozen, he didnt when he was young, and i feel like when my snake gets them they die a pretty quick and painless death, only about 30 seconds at the most. 
I see many things differently, some animals are food some are pets, you can eat whatever animal you want, i just believe it should be done humanely, not keeping an animal in ill conditions and torturing it for the rest of its life.
I agree, Saw. It's something I wouldn't be able to do myself, giving a live animal to be eaten, but I've seen the snakes take them from other people and it's very brief. Usually the mice given to the snakes are not as healthy (disease-free, but maybe born with a bad leg), so the snakes are really only doing what would have happened to them in the natural world. 
Maybe I'll get a snake and send it to you once a week for feeding. :p

And I keep forgetting to tell you that it really is a beautiful snake. What species is that? A corn snake? (I only know, like, four non-venomous snake names.)
I wonder how that would work, sending it once a week haha
Its an albino corn snake, hes starting to get nice orange, not sure if they start losing coloration when they go into adulthood or not.
gorgeous snake, was it bought from a breeder? Loca pet store? Big chain?
I bought him from my local pet store, which probably got it from segrest farms. He was 40$

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