Noisy Biorb Pump Replacement


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2010
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Ive had my 30ltr Biorb for about 5 years, and have been going thru about 1 Reef One airpump per year due to the fact they get so noisy. The last one we bought was the new quiet version, which i have to admit has lasted slightly longer before turning noisy, but it has finally gone the same way. Reef One state that the air pumps are designed to do this as an air pump should be replaced!?!?! And they only give a 6 month guarantee.

So, my question.... can someone recommend a different brand air pump which will last longer than 12months before shaking my house rafters!!

I think any air pump thats rated around 30l would be fine. I had a biorb a few years back in the kitchen and the pumps would also do this. As we know Reef-one will rip you off, and any lfs will sell cheap pumps. Also every air pump i have had is quieter than the reef-one, one. So the world is your oyster when it comes to finding an air pump!lol.

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