Steve H.
I was given a pretty great gift yesterday. About $400 in equipment, tank, and fish. A guy was moving back to Australia and needed to give up his hobby things quick. A great deal with a lot of cool toys.
Picture looked great on the internet, but this tank was not loved for some time. Algae covered and completely overgrown. It took me the entire day to breakdown and rebuild this tank.
But here's how it now sits
I used the plants it already had in there, but I did throw most away.
Think I will be getting rid of the Jungle Val, and replacing with Crypt Spiralis.
But I am looking for scape suggestions
Think I might try an island scape. Center the wood with the W. Fern and try carpet of some sort?
Picture looked great on the internet, but this tank was not loved for some time. Algae covered and completely overgrown. It took me the entire day to breakdown and rebuild this tank.
But here's how it now sits

I used the plants it already had in there, but I did throw most away.
Think I will be getting rid of the Jungle Val, and replacing with Crypt Spiralis.
But I am looking for scape suggestions

Think I might try an island scape. Center the wood with the W. Fern and try carpet of some sort?