No Nitrite?


New Member
Feb 24, 2022
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Been 3/4 weeks now and Ammonia gone in 24hrs from 4ppm but no sign of any Nitrite. Ph 7.5 Nitrate 12.5. Any ideas why not seeing any as the Ammonia is been eaten for at least 5 days.
Been 3/4 weeks now and Ammonia gone in 24hrs from 4ppm but no sign of any Nitrite. Ph 7.5 Nitrate 12.5. Any ideas why not seeing any as the Ammonia is been eaten for at least 5 days.
What chemicals do you add? Are you using any water conditioners or other water additives?
Sorry miss that out. Adding 7 drops Ammonia to 5 gal bare tank fishless cycle. added sponge and gravel from main tank to start off the cycle. Just never seen this before as the Ammonia drops after 24hrs normally see some Nitrite but none.
Sorry miss that out. Adding 7 drops Ammonia to 5 gal bare tank fishless cycle. added sponge and gravel from main tank to start off the cycle. Just never seen this before as the Ammonia drops after 24hrs normally see some Nitrite but none.
But what did you use to condition the water? Now that you talked about the sponge and grave;, it may be that you cycled the tank with that
That's possible but never seen the filter cycle so quick. No increase in Nitrate either. Was thinking my test kit was faulty but it's not that old. Thanks for your quick reply. I started the tank off with water from the main tank.
That's possible but never seen the filter cycle so quick. No increase in Nitrate either. Was thinking my test kit was faulty but it's not that old. Thanks for your quick reply. I started the tank off with water from the main tank.
No problem! I would keep doing the ammonia for a week just to be sure the tank is ready
The water from an established tank adds minimum, if any, beneficial bacteria...but the sponge/filter/media most certainly will

All cycles are different, some happen so quickly that the nitrIte portion can be missed altogether, when testing
Thanks, that's what may of happened, never got a Nitrite reading at all. Will leave another week then put the filter on my 60gal tank.

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