No Host, Will It Die?


Fish Addict
Dec 1, 2013
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So I had camalanus worms, but it was been about 2 1/2 months since the last signs. I have 3 tanks; 8, 10, 38 US gallons. I plan on putting my guppy fry from the 8 gallon into the 38. They have one older sibling in there already and 4 tetras.  One white skirt and three neons. Because of the worms I don't dare buy them any companions because I don't want to risk any other disease to my current fish or infect any new fish. 
They show no signs of the worms. 
So to my serious question.  If I leave the 8 gallon tank running with nothing in it for 2 weeks, then empty it, Let it dry for 3 more weeks and wash decorations and gravel (using a little bleach and water) will any worms survive. They require a host to survive so if they have the natural cycle of hatching in the gravel, but don't get eaten to grow and breed will they survive? I believe the bleach would kill any parasites, but I don't want to use a huge amount.  I would rinse the decor very well over multiple days and washes. 
I plan on putting a female betta in this tank. Will it be safe? 
I think it should do the trick.  I would also use some hot water. 
Thats what I always use. I use super hot water on any gravel and decorations to clean.  I would probably use the hot water to rinse before the drying stage and also use the hot water to wash off the bleach.

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