No Bacterial Bloom = Cycled Tank ?


Mostly New Member
Jul 23, 2013
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I have this new 10 gallon aquarium, for a couple of day I keep the filter running without a fish in it. I use older hang-on filter from older aquarium with its catridge in it. The next couple of day I add my betta fish in this tank for 2 days, it looks fine without any bacterial bloom so I add small danios in this tank with small shark and 3 corydoras. It runs without bacterial bloom.
My question is, If we use old filter with mature media, do the tank need to cycle again ? I have no bacterial bloom issue, so is this mean my tank is already cycle ?
Do you have a test kit that can measure ammonia and nitrite?
What type of Danio do you have?
What type of Cory do you have?
A bacterial bloom doesn't mean a tank is cycling as the bacteria is a different type of bacteria than the one we want in our filters.
Some people cycle without having a bacterial bloom.
If you have a test kit then you will know for sure :)
Such test kit are hard to find in here, even in supermarket (it's true). So i just guessing and do the fish-in cycle, sounds cruel but that is how people do fishkeeping here. Such information about cycling is hard to find, even the LFS doesn't know anything about Nitrogen Cycle. That's why I join this forum in the first place
I have 10 red zebra danio, I think they're all still in juvenile because their body are slightly transparent
As for the cory I don't know exactly. they have pleco style skin, black skin and white feature

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