Nitrates Won't Go Down


Fish Aficionado
Jan 29, 2012
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I've just done my big water change after completing fish less cycling on my 48L tank. Before I did the water change nitrates were at 80ppm. Then I did a 35L water change (at least thats what I added back in..the water level was slightly down when I started). The nitrates are still at 80ppm. So I did another 10L change and they are still at 80ppm....what is going on!?

EDIT: I'm using an API liquid test kit but also tested it with a strip at the same result.
Try testing your tap water, although I wouldn't have thought they'd be that high in your tap water. It's certainly possible there's some present though.

On most nitrate tests, there's really not much between the colours once you get to the higher levels, but there are big gaps between the measurements. Just keep doing water changes and have faith that they will come down, even if it takes a few changes before it happens.
Thanks, I was just worried about upsetting my freshly cycled tank if I do too much of a change. Do you have a recommendation for how much of a change to do at this point?
A water change won't upset your bacteria as long as you dechlorinate the water before letting it through your filter. You can do a 100% change if need be.
Super! Off to drain this thing again!

Also, the last time I added ammonia was at 8:30 this morning. If I'm not getting fish until tomorrow afternoon do I need to be concerned about the bacteria starting to die?
Just giving myself a little bump here! Anyone know if I should add more ammonia tonight if I'm getting the fish tomorrow afternoon?
I've done another 30L water change and the nitrate is down to 10 or 20 I can't tell a difference between the colours on the card

Sure would be nice to start out with all 0's - maybe I'll do another big water change in the morning...jeeze!
Have you tested your tap water? Mine usually has 10-20ppm nitrate in it so I've never had 0 before. 10-20ppm is still perfectly acceptable to be keeping fish in though. :)
Yeah my tap water has 5ppm in it - thanks for your help I'll leave it as is for the time being then :)

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