Nine And Counting


Fish Crazy
Feb 9, 2012
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today when i was doing a water change i saw a little variatus platy fry swimming. i caught him (or her) abnd put him in the little bucket i use for that kind of thing.

2 hours later i have finally caught 9 little fry and i have now put them in a breeding net in my fry tank, to keep them safe from Happy, my 2-3 month old fry.

number 10 is proving almost impossible to catch and is still at large in with the adults *gulp*

problem with breeder nets is you cant get a proper head count because there are always some hiding at the sides.
Congrats on the fry! Good luck finding number 10, fingers crossed he/she survives. I find trying to coax them out of wherever they're hiding into a net using my planter/glass scraper thing works best. Hope you get it!
i gave up eventually, but then i had to go on holiday for 2 weeks so they went to stay at my aunt / next door neighbors house, but she isnt into fish so they got fed and nothing else...

now i'm back my other v. platy has given birth and there are at least 2 fry in my tank. my dads banned me from rescuing any more as i'm already over run...

which brings up a question: anyone who wants some v. platy fry??? northwest england??? youd have to pick them up yourself and supply bags etc for the transport.
I take a picture of my fry in the net and then count them on the picture... my problem is they are always moving and I lose count! :lol:
theyre always hiding under the plastic...

how much water should i change how often???
they are in a 14 litre (i know its too small but i cant afford bigger and have nowhere to put a bigger tank).
and i bought the tank for little Happy, who is just about to move out... my little babies growing up so fast. :fish:

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