12Gallon Fluval Edge tank 46L moderate to low LED lighting. External lighting is minnimial very little outside light.
This stuff started to appear 3 -4 days ago about 24 hours after I added TSS.
I don't know if its because I left the lights on for 24 hours for a couple of days or upon the addition of Ammonia for my fishless cycle.
Nothing in the tank except Moss Balls, Bacopa and Amazon Swords.
Is this Brown Algae? If so should I worry about it or get rid of it?
I also have brown/red spots on my Bacopa Monnieri?
Now that I am almost done cycling I was going to do a 25% water change and vacuum the bottom and the plants to get rid of it.
This stuff started to appear 3 -4 days ago about 24 hours after I added TSS.
I don't know if its because I left the lights on for 24 hours for a couple of days or upon the addition of Ammonia for my fishless cycle.
Nothing in the tank except Moss Balls, Bacopa and Amazon Swords.
Is this Brown Algae? If so should I worry about it or get rid of it?
I also have brown/red spots on my Bacopa Monnieri?
Now that I am almost done cycling I was going to do a 25% water change and vacuum the bottom and the plants to get rid of it.