Newbie With First Tank And Pair Of Killifish


New Member
Mar 29, 2011
Reaction score
San Francisco CA
Hi all,

I just got my first tank setup after many years of wanting to do this. It is 10 gallons with rocks, sand and two killifish, a male and female.
The tank is filled with water from my reverse osmosis filter and stuck a heater in the tank at 72 deg F since my house gets cold at night.
I introduced them to the new water with a drip system over the course of two hours. Heated the tank water to 72 F before putting them in.

Now, the question is, feeding....I have some dried blood worms and some flake food for a Beta sitting around . I had forgotten to ask for food from the person who was giving away her fish. I dropped a few blood worms in and I think the killi's left them alone. Can they see the food ? I think they might have eaten the tiny amount of flake food I put in last night but can't be sure.

Since these fish are in a totally new home, I suppose it is not reasonable to assume they will come out to eat right away.

What should I expect? Is there a food which is more enticing to them and will help them feel at home ?

thanks in advance,
Do you know the species of killifish they are? Most killies take flakes readily and everything else.
Livefoods are always best for Rivulus sp. barring that they will take frozen bloodworm
Do you have access to any more pairs of this strain of agilae,
Pics please

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