Newbie To Tropical Fish


New Member
Aug 4, 2012
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I am thinking about having my own tropical fish my parents used to have them years ago my favourite fish was the Pleco everyone else said he was ugly but I loved him more than all the pretty fish

I think the best tank I can afford new is a Aquael classic 50 would that be suitable for a small Pleco or is there a better one for around £60

Also what other fish would you recommend to go with the Pleco
Have a look on gumtree or ebay for a used fish tank, youll probably be able to get a bigger one in good condition.
Plecos go with pretty much anything so you have a lot to choose from.
If you want a small pleco I would reccommend a bristlenose pleco and if you get a bigger tank you can get two! :good:
Many species of Plecs grow to well over a foot in length, with several species including the Common Plec sold in most fish shops growing to around two foot.

On the other hand, there are many that will fit in tanks between 100 and 200 litres. If your heart is set on one, then this thread is worth reading:

My favourite small Plec at the moment is the L134 Leopard Frog Plec.

With regards to a tank, I would look either in the classifieds on here, ebay or gumtree for a second hand tank. You will get more for your money and as long as you can handle a few scratches, you will have a greater option of fish to stock it with.

Best of luck.
Some examples for you:

Neon tetras
columbian tetras

bottom feeders:
kulhi loaches

A lot of small pleco can a bit of money like gold nugget pleco -£20
or Zebra Pleco- £120
So if you dont want to spend to much on it a bristlenose is quite good for around £7. :good:

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