Well lets start off with the small problem, i have 2 goldfish in a tropical tank with my dwarf cory and cory julii. the goldfish are happy so im not too worried. my big problem is that due to my ignorance i never cycled my tank(10 us gallons) and the ammonia reading at this very second is about 6ppm...... and my nitrate reading 20ppm. (im using api liquid testers). i have been doing 40%ish water changes everyday trying to lower ammonia but its not working... ive cutback a lot on the feeding of my fish.. i started dosing seachem stability yesterday and also prime.i dont know what to do... my fish seem very happy especially the cories they like to chase eachother around and butt noses all the time. so the question is should i continue doing the same thing with the water changes and dosing.. or anyone care to share what they would do??? thanks