
The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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New Member
Nov 18, 2012
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Hi! I'm new to tropical fish keeping, i had goldfish for two years but they all died...So i'm hoping i have good luck with tropical fish! In my 20 gallon I have two Julii Corys, five zebra danios, one leopard danio,(by accident, im getting her some buddies) 3 white clouds, and one Honey Gourami. The Honey Gourami Killed four of my fish(one danio, 3 white cloud) So shes temporarily isolated until I bring her back. I really don't want to bring her back, so any solutions besides put her in a different tank? She has lot's of hiding places and none of the fish bother her...
Welcome to the forum.

Cory's should really be in a larger group of their own species, you will enjoy them a lot more this way and they also prefer it. Zebra and Leopard Danio's are the same species so will all shoal together, though feel free to get some more of either if you so wish. White cloud Mountain Minnows prefer cooler water and are really in my opinion a cold water fish.

You will make lots of friends and gain a lot of knowledge in this forum :)

PS. Just to check, is the tank fully cycled? Sorry to sound patronising but better safe than sorry.

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