I just happened to come across this forum while searching about gourami's spitting water. Had to register.
I have had a 35gal bow front tank for about a month now. I have two medium sized gourami's (one blue and one gold), 6 smaller-med sized barbs (3 tiger, 3 green back), 2 small cherry barbs, one rainbow shark, and one albino shark. I have three live plants, which is a complete surprise. Every other tank I've had the plants have always died. And in this one they are just flourishing!
I have had a 35gal bow front tank for about a month now. I have two medium sized gourami's (one blue and one gold), 6 smaller-med sized barbs (3 tiger, 3 green back), 2 small cherry barbs, one rainbow shark, and one albino shark. I have three live plants, which is a complete surprise. Every other tank I've had the plants have always died. And in this one they are just flourishing!