Newbie Here, Platy Appears To Have Miscarried - Help Please?

Timbo Baggins

New Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Hello everyone, I've just joined the forum, it looks a great place to learn and enjoy fish keeping, my name's Tim and I would like to say hello to you all - Hello!!

I have a platy that was pregnant, and she was very big. This morning when I fed them, I saw she had obviously given birth, new fry in the plants and her size pretty much back to normal. But she has this red/white kind of sack hanging out of her rear end, and in that looks like a fry in it?? It quite freaked me to be honest. She doesnt seem to distressed, but is hanging around the top of the tank. Has she miscarried and will the sack be passed, or do I need to do something? I have attached a picture of her and her problem.

Your anticipated help and suggestions will gladly be received,

Regards, Tim.


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It looks like a prolapse, it's definitely not right. I don't think there's anything you can do about it, tbh.
Nothing you can do, watch her carefully... sometimes it will go back in within a couple of hours (but she may be prone to infection), if it doesn't you may end up having to consider euthanizing her as she would be suffering. If she comes out alright you'll want to prevent her from breeding in the future.
Nothing you can do, watch her carefully... sometimes it will go back in within a couple of hours (but she may be prone to infection), if it doesn't you may end up having to consider euthanizing her as she would be suffering. If she comes out alright you'll want to prevent her from breeding in the future.

That'll be interesting, a piscine version of a vasectomy.
Thank you for your replies, unfortunately she never made it! When I came in to feed them yesterday morning, she had died. Well, you live and learn. I have seen at least 6 of her fry in my floating plants, lets see how they get on!! I have loads of baby platys - I love them, and tey're all at various stages of growth - a few of them are catching their fathers up!! just a quick one to end - I have an algae loach, who's cool, is it safe to add salt as an antistress treatment? I read that catfish dont get on with it, and he is similar?

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