Hello, totally new to hobby - had a little help from friends who have larger tanks - I bought a 20 gallon tank, not a tall one, standard wide one, with a bio wheel filter, set it up, had it cycle over a week, tested the water, water was perfect - I had three snails in it during the cycyling (two mystery, and a nerite) - then when the water seemed great, went to petsmart, originally got three tiger barbs (the glo version) - three hatchet fish - a clown pleco - and then I saw a really cool fish (red tailed shark) and noticed he was in a small tank with other community fish, then I asked the petsmart person about putting this red tailed shark in my tank (I know, I know, first mistake...) they said no problem he will only get around 4 inches. Okay so fish go in (a couple days before shark died I added 2 more barbs and two more hatchet to make them five each so groups were bigger, recommended by one of my friends) - the shark died last night...but long story - the shark and fish started out great - he was territorial at first and undertandable - claimed my fake coral reef with caves as his own -so currently all the fish are great - the snails are vibrant - the couple of live plants look iffy - but like four days ago the shark started to look lazy and lethargic and was hanging out in cave, not coming out....and that got worse - ammonia was a little high at first but considered normal for a new tank, and it was getting better...and he died last night and I sort of feel bad - especially now that I was frantically doing research hours before his death and everyone is saying at least a 55 gallon tank for this little guy, then some said he was nocturnal and hiding is natural, so it was a little confusing - but after all my reading up on this type of fish I can conclude he got stressed and too much of a small environment I guess got him stressed and he did not adapt well...so...darn.
So my tank is at 91%, and the fish are all very happy and vibrant now like I said - I guess is it safe to replace the red tail with a safer alternative -I really liked the little guy since he was that one little cool different looking fish lurking around - any suggestions? Or what I have is just fine - I'm happy with it, just missing that one unique guy that does his own thing - or if anyone has a general idea of what would be a final addition - thanks
So my tank is at 91%, and the fish are all very happy and vibrant now like I said - I guess is it safe to replace the red tail with a safer alternative -I really liked the little guy since he was that one little cool different looking fish lurking around - any suggestions? Or what I have is just fine - I'm happy with it, just missing that one unique guy that does his own thing - or if anyone has a general idea of what would be a final addition - thanks