I just got the dwarf parrots a few days ago they are in a 10 gallon at the moment until I can get them something bigger. and all my other fish the 8 neons, 3 corys, 6 blacks 2 dwarf froggies, white cloud minnow and the little oto sucker dude are in a 20. I just started the whole fish thing 2 months ago and every ones doing good. I haven't had a single fish die. I change some of the water and rinse the filter once a week ive also got some random plants. just recently put sand in the bigger tank and it took a day to clear up but now looks awesome. I plan in getting a 30 gallon for the ones in the 20 and I know I need to get some more white cloud minnows but this one was given to me by my brother who thought she was a guppy.....lol I want to then have the dwarf parrots in the 20 and use the 10 for the killies if they hatch......
my goal for the future though is to get an 80 and have a dragon goby and some big parrot cichlids and a black ghost knife fish.
I didn't know that about the green blood parrots, that's terrible 0.0
so yeah and I guess I should introduce myself as well... my name is Mariah I am a single parent of two boys aged 3 and 4 we have one cat and our fishies
im new to this aquarium stuff, first time having a tank since I was 12 and got some fish from a petstore who had fin rot or something and all my fish died...... figured id give it a try again now almost 10 years later
any advice for my fishies would be awesome but please keep in mind I don't have money to buy anything expensive so things I can do for my fishies without spending a fortune would be very helpful
oh and as for temps the temp for the 20 stays at around 74-76 same for the dwarf parrots tank.... which is not surprising because they each have the exact same heater in them
I know the water for my dwarf parrots is a bit different though, the woman from the pet store told me to add some extra stuff to it so what fish are safe with dwarf parrots? one of my corys is an albino so I was thinking of putting it in there with them because they are both white but im not sure how the cory would handle the different water?
how big of a tank do I need for the bgh??
Hi, welcome to the forum.
BLF - bgk need MUCH bigger than a 90 gallon.
How big are your tanks?
You have some small schools which need bigger.