Hi everyone! I'm Katie, a 22 year old aquarist and Nurse on the side lol
I am new to this forum, but not new to the hobby. I am always looking to learn and help others learn as well.
As of right now, for tanks, I have:
A 20g Axolotl tank with two lotls - Fox and Daisy
A 10g Planted tank with 6 platies, 6 amano shrimp, 2 nerites
A 10g divided tank for one adult male betta, Storm and a baby male betta, Squid. This tank is planted too.
(Since this picture, cycled filter, heater and fish were added. Driftwood soon to come.)
3 vases holding fissidens moss, anacharis and subwassertang
I am new to this forum, but not new to the hobby. I am always looking to learn and help others learn as well.
As of right now, for tanks, I have:
A 20g Axolotl tank with two lotls - Fox and Daisy

A 10g Planted tank with 6 platies, 6 amano shrimp, 2 nerites

A 10g divided tank for one adult male betta, Storm and a baby male betta, Squid. This tank is planted too.

3 vases holding fissidens moss, anacharis and subwassertang