New tanks for three bettas


May 15, 2004
Reaction score
West side of Candyland where the lollipop trees ar
I have been wanting to put Tris, Titan, and Piper in larger tanks for a while now, and today I spent a few hours decorating and settling them into their new homes.

I was on a hunt for my missing gravel last night, and during the process I found a perfectly usable 6 gal. tank under some junk in the garage. I cleaned it out, added gravel and a few plants (never had any luck with live plants in my betta tanks, so they are always fake now), and a few decorations of course... and the outcome is this:


It's not the best looking tank, but Tris LOVES it! He has so much more room to swim freely now it's great letting him have more freedom.

A happy Tris:


I had guppies in May, but something very odd happened and all of them died. I had this empty tank sitting on my computer desk, so I decided today to clean it out and fix it up a bit.


Titan adores his new tank as well - I have never seen him flare, and today he finally has begun to.

Titan flaring (sorry about the flash and pic quality):


I actually hadn't planned on putting Piper in a new tank, but I found one that is about three gallons in the garage as well. Decided to put gravel in it and see what could be done with it... it's really quite plain right now and the picture (I think) is terrible, doesn't show the tank much... better one tomorrow, promise! Couldn't get a picture of Piper himself to show you all, he was hiding when I tried to get one.


Alright, I'm done rambling! I'm far from finished with these tanks, I couldn't find many of my decorations (especially the one I wanted for Tris' tank) so I'll be updating them continually over the next few days. Just thought I would show you guys the start of my "new" tanks. :fun: Sorry if the pictures took forever to load! :*)

BTW, can anybody tell me if Titan is a combtail or a crowntail? I know he's not a veiltail and I don't think he's a crowntail either...
:D wow, i wish i wold just randomly find fishtanks in my garage :D sure you dont' have a 100G tucked in there somewhere ;)

anyways the bettas you have look lovely so far :D i love the color on Titan :) i can't really tell you what he is right now, maybe a closer pic will help :) :nod:
My mom has owned fish for a long time, so she has (had) a lot of tanks out in the garage she doesn't use any more. She's really ticked at me for finding this one and using it. :D

Nah, no 100 gal. tanks out there - I think I've found all of 'em for now... but there always could be some in the shed... or the attic... :shifty: LOL

Thanks for the compliment on Titan, cutecotton - he's flaring at the plants currently. :blink: I'll try to get another picture in a bit. ;)
haha :D its okay my betta flares at the strangest things sometimes :D

too bad nobody in my family was really into fish :blink:
It's amazing the difference in personalities that you see when a betta has room to swim! That's my favorite time is getting them out of their cups and seeing how pretty they really are. Good job! :cool:
Acrobit said:
Thanks Sorrell! :)

Ack, can't believe I'm so excited over fish! :hyper: I can't wait for my new bettas and the new decorations for the tanks. :p
You're preaching to the choir there :lol:
CoooooooooooooL Tanks!! :D i will secretaly buy a little tank and a petsmart betta :p :) *shhhh* dont tell anyone! its goin to be secret till they found that out :p im gonna do some rescueees! wonder where i'll put them when i have to go back -_- well....i guess i'll send them to someone :p

i really like the way you desgined the aquascape! and is that a banana plant?
DOLORES - It's supposed to be a model of a banana plant, fake. :D

I'm trying to decide if I am going to put a background on the tanks - I think I might but I'm not sure... I'm going to completely reorganize the tanks tomorrow, I think they look a bit junky right now as I sorta threw them together but hopefully I'll find my decorations and let the madness begin! :fun:
I did some more hunting in the garage for tank decorations, and now I'm extremely happy with the outcome of Tris' tank! Alright, so it's not that great... but I'm happy that I did it and so glad that Tris is happy!

Here is the final outcome (picture is without flash):

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