New Tank


New Member
Jul 7, 2012
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hello recently bough a juwel rio 240 litre tank and was wondering what would be the maxium ammount of malawi cichilds i could put in it , i kept a 190 lite tank for 10 years with coumminty fish, barbs, silver dollars, platties etc but with the new rio tank i just want the 1 species in so how many cihilds do you recomend ive a few rocks/plastic plants/sand in the tank
what filtration do you have on the tank?
this is key!!
you could, and should with Mbuna slightly overstock,, but!! your filtration will dictate the path..

You do realize that given the over filtration you will still be doing a 1.5 to 2x maintenance to have a healthy / impressive Mbuna tank?
i just have the standard filter etc that comes with the juwel tank set up

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