Hi, I've got a question relating to filters, new tanks and fish illnesses. I've had a tank with 3 guppies in it for a year, and they seemed to be doing fine until the last couple of days. They had been fighting a bit I think, so I did my best to separate them (using fry traps). Over the last couple of days, over Christmas
, they have died! I believe it was some form of bacterial infection, it happened really suddenly, and I think it may have been caused by the stress of the fighting, and injuries from that (fin-nipping). My question is relating to the fact that I'd bought a new bigger tank last week. I was going to use the media from my old tank in my new tank to 'seed' the new filter, but am not sure whether anything bad from the old tank could be introduced into the new tank through it? What do you guys think? Thanks
Also, I wanted the new tank for cories and neon tetras, but heard they both need established tanks. Anything I can do?
Also, I wanted the new tank for cories and neon tetras, but heard they both need established tanks. Anything I can do?