New Tank Syndrome Or Not?


New Member
Jul 31, 2015
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Hi I'm new to the group and have come here for some help please
My partner and myself have set up a 64 litre tank that has been running for about 8 week's now. Gradually we have been adding various fish, we have
4 Minnows
4 Guppies
4 Neon Tetra's
2 Dwarf Gourami's
and finally
Mr Bristle nose pleco
Oh and 2 assasin snail's (one of which has recently disappeared)
Our tank is well planted has driftwood in it and an air pump.
Over the last 3 week's after adding Mr Pleco and the Gourami's our Nitrite and Nitrate levels have gone crazy.
It started with an ammonia spike of 0.2 that dropped to 0 after a water change, all other test were at 0. We left it for abit came to do another test and was shocked to see a sudden rise in the Nitrite and Nitrate.
Cut a long story short we now have Nitrite at 0.5 and Nitrate at 20 after 3 water changes. We left the water changes for afew days to let it settle down to see if it would lower at all, it hasn't.
So my question is do we do more water changes until it's at 0, do we swill the filter's in the dirty water or change them completely and would cleaning the plants, ornaments and driftwood help at all?
We have cut the feeding down to one small portion a day with no live food (because we thought that may not have helped the problem with all the pooing)
We don't want to add any chemicals or salt.
Please help thank you
Cleaning the filter and things inside will not help, and will hurt the bacteria that causes the cycle to get rid of ammonia and nitrite. You should probably do consistent water changes daily for a week or two until you notice ammonia and nitrite is gone. After that, you'll probably need to chose some fish to give away. Your tank seems to be pretty overstocked if I'm not mistaken. You'll also need to do weekly water changes to eliminate nitrates from getting too high. Make sure your water is conditioned for water changes! 
What kind of filter do you have?  Also, two dwarf gourami's in that small of tank may cause aggression between them.

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