New Tank Stocking?


Mostly New Member
Sep 17, 2013
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Does following stock list look reasonable? Don't think there's any incompatible species or wildly different water parameters. Tank is 200l and moderately planted. 206 external filter and a U2 internal running simultaneously as redundancy.

6x zebra danio
4x peppered Cory
1x bristlenose
2x dwarf gourami
6x harlequin rasbora
10x neon tetra
3x guppy (1m/2f)

Any advice appreciated. Tank is cycled but thinking I should add fish a group at a time rather than en mass. I'm thinking order I've listed in is probably best order to add them to tank.

i would say not to get the zebra danio, but :
bump your peppered cory numbers to 6
the bump up the harlequin rasbora to 10... (the contrast between them (red) and the neons (blue) will look great in the tank)
neons, and gourami need a mature tank, or will just die on you. so i would advise to get them last.
when adding the fish, do them in only groups of 6.. so at the beginning you can get the cories.. get them in the group of 6.. and do 25% water changes for the next two days.. and drip them in before adding to the tank, so boost the chances of low stress transitions with the water difference.
the get the rasbora, groups of 5 when adding.. and do water changes.
then so on and so forth, until you have all your fish... 
oh and wait at least 1 1/2 - 2 weeks before adding new fish.
Hi Mat!
Do you know about your water hardness? If you had rather soft water I would up those corys to 10, the neons to 15, decide between zebra and harlequin and take 10 of one of those. Personally I would only go for 1 of the 3 schooling fish. I love the dwarf gouramis, but be aware they like heavily planted tanks including floating plants and only weak (better no) current.
Hi All
havent checked hardness yet as I'm aware that bacteria growing during cycling process will have been taking carbonates out of the water and affecting hardness. I'm going to do big water change tonight and will check hardness afterwards. Plan then is to allow tank to settle over weekend and start stocking next tues/weds. Will up corys to 6 as suggested and was planning on adding DG and neons last once tank had chance to mature for a few months. Also planting should have grown in more by then which should suit DG's.
Personally, I would scrub the Zebra Danios, as they prefer cooler temperatures than most, and keeping them at standard temps increases their metabolism, decreasing their lifespan.
Definitely up the cories to 6.
Keep an eye on the male guppy, to ensure it doesn't try nipping the gourami's long thin fins.
Any suggestions what I could substitute for the danios which would be compatible with other fish. Want something different to add interest to upper level of tank and not just increase numbers of other groups. Some form of rainbow fish maybe?
hobby5 said:
Did you meanwhile measure hardness?
Yes, sorry forgot to post it. Very slightly soft. About 7-8 on hardness. Ph pretty static at 7.

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