Mostly New Member
Does following stock list look reasonable? Don't think there's any incompatible species or wildly different water parameters. Tank is 200l and moderately planted. 206 external filter and a U2 internal running simultaneously as redundancy.
6x zebra danio
4x peppered Cory
1x bristlenose
2x dwarf gourami
6x harlequin rasbora
10x neon tetra
3x guppy (1m/2f)
Any advice appreciated. Tank is cycled but thinking I should add fish a group at a time rather than en mass. I'm thinking order I've listed in is probably best order to add them to tank.
6x zebra danio
4x peppered Cory
1x bristlenose
2x dwarf gourami
6x harlequin rasbora
10x neon tetra
3x guppy (1m/2f)
Any advice appreciated. Tank is cycled but thinking I should add fish a group at a time rather than en mass. I'm thinking order I've listed in is probably best order to add them to tank.