New Tank Startup


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2013
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Got my new tank up and running this week. Its been running since wednesday. I used Nutrafin tap safe, Nutrafin Cycle and a filter starter. Plus i had a few gallons of water from a friends well established tank. Been taking test readings reguraly. Thursdays readings were as follows ammonia 1.5mg/l, pH 6.4, KH 50, GH 125, N03 10, N02 0.
Todays readings as follows. ammonia 0.5mg/l, pH 7, KH 80, GH 120, N03 20, N02 0.
I am presuming that the high ammonia level was from the filter starter but seems to be falling fast now so hoping the filter is starting to work.
Would you say it would be wise to get a couple of hardy fish in tomorrow as long as the ammonia falls again?
The tank is 240ltrs, fluval 306 external filter with biomax and carbon, temp sitting at 27 celcius. Have got a few plants in their too.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated!!!!
You need to "feed your tank" with an ammonia source or all the good bacteria will die off and your tank will not fully cycle.These bacteria live off of the ammonia. Since there is not any fish in the tank you need to add ammonia some how in order to build the bacteria colonies up. You could do this with a fish but you could also do this with either pure ammonia or some fish food( takes the longest with the fish food).  When you can add the ammonia and it goes away in 12-24 hours your tank is most likely cycled correctly.
The water from the other tank will not help much as most of the bacterias you need are not in the water. They are more in the filter and gravel of established tanks. If you could get some gravel from your friends tank that would help seed your tank and speed  up the process.
If you decide to add fish just keep an eye on your levels and change water as needed.
Good luck with the new tank and I hope this helps!
I recommend a full fishless cycle.
Beneficial bacteria are negligible in the water, and not much more in the substrate.
If you can get some mature media from your friends filter, it will help jumpstart the cycle.
Just trying to get hold of some media now.
I had started the tank with ammonia (the filter starter). What im wondering now is wether to add hardy fish or add ammonia again.
I recomend the ammonia. "Hardy" fish, are still living creatures.
While they may survive, they will suffer long term damage.
Lfs will gladly sell you all the hardy fish they can. They make money selling fish.
Also doing a fish in cycle is a lot more work.
kad191 said:
Just trying to get hold of some media now.
I had started the tank with ammonia (the filter starter). What im wondering now is wether to add hardy fish or add ammonia again.
Filter starter is NOT ammonia, it really does very little in a tank without fish or another source of ammonia.

Definitely recommend fishless cycling - you will have fish die and get sick for the next six weeks otherwise. It's a crappy experience.
Managed to get a bag of mature media so just got that in the filter now. The filter starter says on the bottle 100% ammonia under the ingredients list. Will keep an eye on the ammonia levels in the tank. I'm presuming once the filter bacteria gets going then the nitrite and nitrate levels will rise?
What brand is the filter starter?  100% ammonia is a bit odd, it would normally be labelled as 10% ammonium hydroxide or similar.
It's my local aquatics shops own. He agreed with you guys to start with a fish less cycle.
Aye, ammonia(toxic), is broken down and nitrites(toxic), rises. Nitrites get broken down and nitrates(plant food) rises.
A simple way to put it. There are good threads on the nitrogen cycle and fishless cycling here on site.
If the media is mature it should be quick to cycle. But keep adding ammonia to keep feeding the bacteria. While once established they double quickly, a mini cycle(a quick low level rise in ammonia) is a pain.

Sorry, welcome to fishkeeping. The three most important words to know in this hobby are research, research, research.
I'm getting there, thanks for all the help. I had a 200ltr cold water tank years ago and with that it was a case of add water and fish, of course before the days of Internet forums. The last thing I want to do is make a fish suffer, hense the questions.
I know what you mean. I wonder how I kept fish alive for years when I was a boy.
Keep asking questions. There are lots of good folks here to answer.
kad191 said:
It's my local aquatics shops own. He agreed with you guys to start with a fish less cycle.
You have a good shop there! Most advise waiting a week and plonking fish in.... Then going back and getting more when they die!

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