New Tank,new Set Up....need Approval


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2007
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Hey everyone, 
   I recently got a new 20 gallon tank. It is mainly planted with moss. has 2 filters, 1 is a 10 gallon filter and the other is a 20 gallon filter.
I orinially had 8 noens and decided it needed more life in the tank so went to petco and they recommended 4 platies and 2 cory catfish...
Its been close a month and everyone is getting along. I am keeping up with a 25-40% water change weekly. Havnt lost one fish and everything seems to be alright...
My question is... Is my tank over stocked? will this cause a problem in the future?
I think thats just about perfect. I wouldve gotten one or two more cories instead of a platie. By the way i like the look of your plants its like a wave!
Thanky u ; ) so no more cory (as i was thinking about getting 1 more lol) and keep/maintain it the way it is...
And as for the moss, i trim that dang thing and it just keeps growing and growing! lol i trimmed it about 1 month ago and its back to that lol
A few questions, Did you cycle the filter before adding fish as a month doesn't seem long enough for your filter to be fully cycled.
Do you have a test kit to regularly test your water?
Corys are best kept in groups of 6+, if you have mixed sex groups of platys then you could soon be overstocked as they start to give birth, if I were you I'd rehome the platy & get some more corys
Tank looks great with moss and wood, but that gravel ain't doing it for me.
Hey Lilfishy, and thanks to anyone else who has replyd, i am very proud of my small talk ; )
but to answer ur question...
 "Did you cycle the filter before adding fish as a month doesn't seem long enough for your filter to be fully cycled.- I actually have had my tank for about 6 years, and those filers are almost the same age, but i swap out the filters maybe once every 6 months. Tank has been fully cycled for many years ; )
"Do you have a test kit to regularly test your water?" - I do have a test kit, but have not used it in soo long as more or less i could almost tell when something is off, not saying i know it all my water has been balanced for a very long time and when things start to go off i can see it almost right away.

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