Hi! I used to have a 75 gal a while back when I was in my old house. I had to sell all of it when I moved to my apartment, and now I'm back in a house. I have forgotten EVERYTHING about this hobby, and just picked up a 10gal last week. I've let it cycle with some fish food and quick start and water tests seem to turn up completely fine. I bought a dwarf Gourami today and acclimated him for about 40 minutes and he's been in the tank for about 2 hours now. He swam around and hasn't gone into any hiding spots yet. Rather, he's going around bumping the glass with his nose. However, for the last 20 minutes, he's just been hanging around the filter intake and won't move much. I've closed blinds and turned the TV off and turned the tank hood off to make it as dim as possible. Is this normal behavior for a new fish? Maybe I'm overreacting...