Hi all,
I am Upgrading my current juwel reckord 96 to the much nicer juwel rio 180 and i have a few question that i am hoping someone on here will be able to answer. I am still fairly new to the hobby to some on the questions may seem noobsih. So the questions.
1. I currently have a Fulval 3Plus in my 96L tank and in the lfs where i bought the new one. They said if i transfer the filter from my current tank to my new tank with some of the old tank water the i would be ok swapping the fish from my current tank to my new tank right away( i am not sure this would work so thought i would ask here any advice ?
2. Aslo the said lfs where i bought the tank recommended not using the built in juwel filter system and said i might be better off getting another fulval 3 and just running 2 fuval 3's in the tank Any thought?
3. What do i stock . I will be moving the fish out of my current 96L to my new 180L then after a few weeks add some more fishes Currently i have about 15 neon tetras, 6 sterbi Corys , 1 bristlenose and 3 apple snails. any views or suggestions would be welcomed.
4. Also Sand or Gravel. I want to put sand but i have been in 3 different LFS and 2 says it turns you water cloudy and 1 ( where i bought the tank said it would be fine and it is the only substare that does not affect ph). So now i dont know which one to use lol.
Thats all the questions i can think of for now hope there not to noobish. Hoping to hear all your replys
I am Upgrading my current juwel reckord 96 to the much nicer juwel rio 180 and i have a few question that i am hoping someone on here will be able to answer. I am still fairly new to the hobby to some on the questions may seem noobsih. So the questions.
1. I currently have a Fulval 3Plus in my 96L tank and in the lfs where i bought the new one. They said if i transfer the filter from my current tank to my new tank with some of the old tank water the i would be ok swapping the fish from my current tank to my new tank right away( i am not sure this would work so thought i would ask here any advice ?
2. Aslo the said lfs where i bought the tank recommended not using the built in juwel filter system and said i might be better off getting another fulval 3 and just running 2 fuval 3's in the tank Any thought?
3. What do i stock . I will be moving the fish out of my current 96L to my new 180L then after a few weeks add some more fishes Currently i have about 15 neon tetras, 6 sterbi Corys , 1 bristlenose and 3 apple snails. any views or suggestions would be welcomed.
4. Also Sand or Gravel. I want to put sand but i have been in 3 different LFS and 2 says it turns you water cloudy and 1 ( where i bought the tank said it would be fine and it is the only substare that does not affect ph). So now i dont know which one to use lol.
Thats all the questions i can think of for now hope there not to noobish. Hoping to hear all your replys