New Member
So after a grueling 2+ months of trying to get a new 55 gallon tank to finish cycling, I think it is now almost complete. This will be the first tank I have ever setup and it was a pain. I wish I had found this forum before I started! 2 weeks ago we had our ammonia hit an all time high of 6.0. Finally dropped a little bit last week then nitrites hit 10.0. Ammonia has dropped to 0 now. Nitrites around 2.0. I unknowingly stocked the tank to fast before the levels went down and we lost several fish. So tonight I spotted 1 of the 3 peppered cory catfish that we have with what appeared to be her bottom two fins clamped together with what I thought was saprolegnia mold on it, as we have had a couple of injuried fish in the tank in the past month get it and then sadly pass. I kept an eye on her and then watched her lay her eggs on the side of the tank, plants, etc. Although I am sure none of the eggs will make it as the other catfish are trying to eat them, and I have no way to save them. Would I be safe to assume that the cory catfish laying her eggs is a good sign that the water is now getting right?