New Tank And Some Water Flow/ Questions

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San O Fisher

Fish Crazy
Jan 2, 2008
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I finally got the tank I have always wanted, a 92 gallon corner, and I am quickly learning that with a new tank comes a ton of questions.

My current filtration is the Fluval 406 and I am wondering if I have enough water movement in the tank. I am using live plants to oxygenate the tank so no airstones needed plus I do not like the look of them.

Will I need a power head? also, any suggestions for kinds?
I have reviewed some of the power heads and was just thinking about running a fluval 306 in addition of the 406 since a good powerhead is $50 and I can get a second filter for $80.

I would love the response of you are good with what you have but not sure how realistic that is.

6 pictus cat
5 clown loach
2 BN's
2 Clown Plec
8 Giant Dano
5 Cherry Barb
I will be adding a school of angels to the mix in place of the cherry barbs once I have stabilized the tank.
What are the dimensions of this tank?

And I'm not an expert on pictus cats, but I believe that they are a bit aggressive, at least about fish in "their" space... You have a lot of bottom dwellers: 6 pictus cats, 5 clown loach, 2 BNs, 2 clown plecs. The only fish that aren't really bottom dwellers are the danio and barbs. I believe even the RTBS spend more time on the bottom 1/3 than anywhere else.

I'm concerned that you don't have sufficient footprint for each of these bottom fish to be "happy" with their territory. (Sorry I couldn't be more encouraging.)
There are 3 pictus, 3 clown loaches, 4 plecs and the rtbs in a 55 gallon now and everyone seems to be happy. The tank as a ton of hiding spaces and the new one has even more. The pictus cats are only aggressive towards things they can fit in their mouth. I will add the additional loaches and cats separately to make sure I am not over doing it. I just need to know how to handle the filtration and water flow.

Thank has 36 inches on each side and the a bowed front and at its widest is 48 inches across. Not too sure how deep it is off the top of my head.
The pictus cats are only aggressive towards things they can fit in their mouth.

Oh, things like ~4cm Cherry Barbs? Had many go missing overnight so far? If not those poor barbs' days are numbered unless you act.

"Eaglesaquarium" hit the nail on the head, you have far too many bottom dwellers for this corner style tank. Most of your stocking could work quite well in a 6x2x2 that you will need eventually anyway, if you plan to provide your Loaches/Pictus/Danios/RTBS with space to use their energy in a high flow setup verging on "Congo rapids" -esque turnover, you could then even give the loaches more of a social pecking order by getting another five that are big enough not to be considered live lunch by your Pictus group.

By and large you have a semi-boisterous community, with a group of Cherry Barbs living on borrowed time and I'm not sure if the Clown Plecs have enough attitude to get their fair share of food as their current tankmates become giants relative to them.
I misquoted the cherry barbs as they are rosy barbs. I mixed my tanks up, my apologies I am well aware a pictus will eat what can fit in their mouths. Can we not debate my stocking, but help with do I need to add a second filter, which can add water flow or would a power head suffice if I even need to add more flow at all.
I'm not sure I know what you want me to say. I don't believe the tank is big enough for the fish you are talking about, so I think your question isn't the issue. More filtration or more flow isn't going to make the tank bigger, is it?

Maybe I'm wrong. I hope that someone will tell me, if I am.
I will take your advice. I inherited the clown loaches from a friend when I was dealing with a snail problem in my old set up. I figured moving them from a brightly lighted 36 gallon aquarium to my low light 55 gallon and ultimately into this 92 gallon was better. I was only hoping to add more since they are so social. So my plan will be to keep my current stock since handing the to a lfs will not ensure they will be in a larger aquarium.

3 pictus
3 clown loach
2 bns
1 clown plec (would like to add 1 more)
8 giant danios
5 rosy barbs

Yes I would like to add more fish to occupy the top level of the aquarium and a school of angels were suggested but I am still up in the air. Based on current conditions, Would you add more flow through a power head or an additional filter.

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