new simplex pictures

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Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
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new jersey
my simplex have been trying for the past few days to spawn and i have seen at least 20 embraces with no eggs or at least no eggs that i have seen and they usually try twice a day. i have been feeding them 2 meals a day and i do not know why the female does not seem to be producing eggs, when i put a flashlight near her i dont see any eggs in her body cavity, but here are some new pics,








Thanks for looking!
Fantastic pics! They're in looove :wub:
thanks guys, i love this pair they have alot of personality. has anyone seen lady and the tramp? if so remember the spahgetti scene? well my simplex did the same thing just with a bloodworm and it was alittle more violent.
im hoping that with a few more days of regular feeding adn some mysis shrimp the female will start making egss, i jsut hope there isnt something wrong
ok, i dont get these two they have embraced at least twice a day every day this week and there are no eggs that i have seen. most of the wraps have been partial, incomplete, or initiated by the female i do not know why they are doing this and i do nt know why i havent seen any eggs. anyone know what the problem may be?
It could possibly be that they're embracing out of instinct and that the female hasn't ovulated yet. I can't remember the exact ovulation period for simplex but I know that they're much different than splendens who always carry eggs. I know falx ovulate every three days, kapuas every seven and some of the species ovulate like once every two weeks to a month.
This could be better in the long run. When you have 'wilds' that ovulate every three days to a week the female will pester the male to spawn even if he's already holding eggs and he'll swallow in order to spawn again with her *cough kapuas for example :grr: *

Are the simplex mouth brooders or bubble nesters? Brooders,right?

Also, try offering a strictly live/frozen diet for a couple of weeks. You just got these fish a week ago or so,didn't you? Have they been conditioned?
this would explain why i dont see any eggs in her.
i have been feeding them 1-2 meals of frozen brine shrimp, mysis, and bloodworms everyday since i got them i got them at the pabs show so id say it was about 2 weeks ago, they havent exactly been conditioned just normal feedings. they are mouthbrooders.
i believe it is two weeks and i emailed victorea earnest but she hastn answered me yet(shes the breeder).

this is off topic but how are the kapuas kelly?
Long story :S I lost my two, the two who I treated like royalty with a four foot tank to themselves :dunno: They did great for a few months and then both went on a decline, female about two months before the male. And now I have the male that Sorrell sent me a while back after her female died. I treat him like a splendens in a 2.5 gallon and he's doing fantastic :dunno: I think I tried too hard with the first two. I plan on picking up a female at the show this week and trying again. Hopefully.
thats wierd, im sure youll fnd something at the show:) i wish i could go.

so about the simplex you thnk its just because she didnt ovulate yet? i forgot about that, and how they are different then splendens.

Yeah, I think that might just be it. That was my first thought when I initially read your thread but I thought you were looking for oohs and ahhh's, not info :lol: Sorry :look:

Also, you may eventually want to remove the gravel and go bare bottom OR switch to sand. From my experience of watching my kapuas spawn over and over and over....they liked to do it on a slanted,flat rock. So a piece of slate may be in order.
well i think im just impatiant or she hadnt ovulated cause they must have spawned sometime tihs morning because they were spitting eggs out and he has his buccal sack all poofed out ill look into switching substrates but did you have any problems with the filter and eggs?

btw the eggs are humongous

thanks :D
No problems with filter and eggs in mouthbrooders. A lot of species will switch hit, I noticed my kapuas bubble nesting a few times because my current wasn't that strong. It's a feature they've developed in order to deal with fast flowing waters that some of them come from. Pretty neat.

The eggs ARE humungous. I was told by Gerald Griffin that not all of them are actually 'eggs' - some are blanks of nutrients that the dad will swallow as he holds and also the fry will feed off of them in dads mouth while he's holding.

Congrats on the spawning :thumbs:
wow mouthbrooders are so awesome, i cant wait till i get my falx and for these eggs to hatch, ts funny cause the female has eggs in her mouth too and shes ha them all day and now and then she plays catch with herself until the male decides to take the eggs from her when she spits it out. really cool, ill post pics of daddy soon.

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