Fish Gatherer
Recently had to give up and admit defeat after a long battle with velvet. My two remaining occupants of my tank are two amano shrimp. I went to the pet shop the other day looking for more shrimp to add (they had none)... but spotted a tank with dead or dying nerrite snails.
I bought the only one that looked like he has a chance to pull through. The kids have named him Nomnom as it spent what seemed like the entire last 24 hours zipping around the tank eating and pooping non-stop. He is taking a nap now.
Is there anything I can do to maximize his chances of surviving?
He was all the things you'd not be looking for in a snail, he was barely moving, imperfections on his shell, tiny chip on his shell. But he was still alive and I wanted to give him a chance.
I bought the only one that looked like he has a chance to pull through. The kids have named him Nomnom as it spent what seemed like the entire last 24 hours zipping around the tank eating and pooping non-stop. He is taking a nap now.
Is there anything I can do to maximize his chances of surviving?
He was all the things you'd not be looking for in a snail, he was barely moving, imperfections on his shell, tiny chip on his shell. But he was still alive and I wanted to give him a chance.