New Neon Tetra, Urgent Advise Needed


Fish Herder
Dec 12, 2011
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i aquired 2 neon tetras with a few other bits, one has got a white lump on the side of its mouth, bit like a tumour, what could it be and how do i treat it? it came with some shrimp i bought, the shrimp i have put in my tank but i dont know if this one could be added and treated without any meds affecting the shrimp, i dont have a spare tank so am stuck with it in a tub, please can any one help before it dies
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Tank size: small plastic box
pH: n/a
ammonia: n/a
nitrite: n/a
nitrate: n/a
kH: n/a
gH: n/a
tank temp: about 25

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): small whiteish mass at side of mouth

Volume and Frequency of water changes: n/a

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: melifix and prime at the moment

Tank inhabitants: just the one neon

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): n/a

Exposure to chemicals: prime and melifix in tub, previous owner......not a clue

Digital photo (include if possible):
bump anyone????? i have put some more melifix in am i doing this right
bump anyone????? i have put some more melifix in am i doing this right

Your doing fine. :) Does it look worse, better or the same today? How is the fish behaving, is it eating? Keep the fish warm or you'll have more problems. An airstone is always nice in a hospital tank. Do daily water changes. Observe. That's pretty much all you can do for now. Can you post a picture of the bump? Does it look like a bump under the skin, an outgrowth like a wart, or something sitting on top of the skin?
bump anyone????? i have put some more melifix in am i doing this right

Your doing fine. :) Does it look worse, better or the same today? How is the fish behaving, is it eating? Keep the fish warm or you'll have more problems. An airstone is always nice in a hospital tank. Do daily water changes. Observe. That's pretty much all you can do for now. Can you post a picture of the bump? Does it look like a bump under the skin, an outgrowth like a wart, or something sitting on top of the skin?

no change with it today it looks the same, its behaving normally, no not eating but had a bumpy ride yesterday and the stress it must have gone through, i didnt feed it, should i? its not a bump under the skin it looks abit like, excuse my description, like a bogie comming out of a nostril :unsure: i didnt notice it when the guy was chasing it around his tank with a net

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