New Member Midlands


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
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Hello All.
I have just joined and i thought that i would interduce my self to you all.
My name is Nick i am 26 years old i have been fish keeping now for about 4 years.

My first tropical Aquaruim was 100 Litre with guppies, mollys the usual community fish, from there i went in to marine keeping which after a year i gave up as i would not keep my ph under control which i lost hundres of pounds of stock i brought everythink what you can to keep it at 8.3.
After a year brake from fish keeping i went back to to it and reset up my 100 litre which i had for a few years. In june 2012 i had 100 gallon tank gave me which i was very pleased with but heres the norty bit.
After i washed the graval and installed my 3 filters in there and filled it up and started to cycle the tank cycled with in 4 week's i slowly added a few fish each week in the stock was stable and i had 30 fish in there after a few week's the tank kicked off a huge cycle and no matter on how many water changes i done in a day the ammonia and nitrite was that high it was not even on the colour chart and i brought seachem tester and in one instant it turned blue i had 1000 litre water but which i was heating the water up.
Sadly i lost all the fish with in a week even though i was doing up to 4 water changes a day to try and keep it at 0 but that did not work.
I paid out over £50 on bacteria  in bottles and i even put in 1 litre of mature filter squeeze but that did not help.
I started to view pure aqauaruim i added 10 balls as soon as they came and with in 12 hours my ammonia and nitrate was 0 and my nitrate was 5 only fish i saw them soon it would of cost me the heart ache and money.

Until this day i have never choosen another product Pure Aquaruim is a excellent product and the water is always crystal clear and its like if the fish are floating on fresh air.
In My tank i have got mollies, guppes, tetras, platys 2 spotted cat fish, 2 red spotted sevrums and 3 angel fish. 4 gold barbs
To day i have done 20% water change added new plants and hydor bubble maker added a dose of easycarb, I have looked in to a co2 system but dont fancy paying out £300 even though it will last me a year.
Hope to chat to you all Soon.


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