My fully-cycled tank setting: 120L with 7 Zebra-Danio 6 Cherry Barb 4 Guppy+6Fry 1 pearl gourami
Parameters are 0 0 ~20; 30% water change every week
Temp: 26 degree C
Light: default one came with tank, ~10hrs a day
Nutrition: Dose every 1 week
Tank Setting: http/
I have got this tank for 5 months. Everything seemed ok.
But poor plants got problems.
1. One of them (dont know the name but you can find it in the pic attached) kept having spores on leaves (even on newly-grown leaves for only 2-3days). But it is becoming taller and taller with less and less leaves.....
See pic here: http/
2. Another one I think it is called 'Cabomba caroliniana'... It grows well but it has no roots at all and kept escaping from the substrate to float up. It dropped many leaves and finally became a single floating naked'stem'..
3. And a common thing for them was many of the leaves were partly covered by some black 'fine hair'. I have no idea what that is and cannot photo it as they are so small....
4. Can anyone recommend some 'hardy' plants please? I dont really want to replant those floating 'naked' stems every 1-2 days and to see my plants are dying...
Thank you in advance for your help!
Parameters are 0 0 ~20; 30% water change every week
Temp: 26 degree C
Light: default one came with tank, ~10hrs a day
Nutrition: Dose every 1 week
Tank Setting: http/
I have got this tank for 5 months. Everything seemed ok.
But poor plants got problems.
1. One of them (dont know the name but you can find it in the pic attached) kept having spores on leaves (even on newly-grown leaves for only 2-3days). But it is becoming taller and taller with less and less leaves.....
See pic here: http/
2. Another one I think it is called 'Cabomba caroliniana'... It grows well but it has no roots at all and kept escaping from the substrate to float up. It dropped many leaves and finally became a single floating naked'stem'..
3. And a common thing for them was many of the leaves were partly covered by some black 'fine hair'. I have no idea what that is and cannot photo it as they are so small....
4. Can anyone recommend some 'hardy' plants please? I dont really want to replant those floating 'naked' stems every 1-2 days and to see my plants are dying...
Thank you in advance for your help!