New House, New Tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2011
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I've bought a new tank for my new house. My current tank is still running at my old place, and will be for another week or two.

My question is, do you think it is worth me adding extra sealant to the new tank whilst its empty for a couple of weeks? Just for extra peace of mind I suppose..

I wouldn't think so, So long as its a good "brand" I wouldn't worry about it. Glass breaks before the seals do most times :B
Is the tank brand new or a second hand one?
If its an old second hand one, then may be worth having a close look at the seals on the tank and assess whether its worth replacing.
If its actually a new tank, then am sure the seal will be fine.
Do a water test first to be sure, fill it at least half way, ensuring stand and surrounding area is completely dry then leave overnight if you want 100 % peace of mind. I have done this myself with second hand tanks.
It's brand new. So yes it should be ok.

It's just because I have a couple of weeks I guess I was wondering if it would be worth it. Sounds like it's not worth the effort :)
If anything, you could cycle the tank a bit during those few weeks.  Or, you can set up the tank with plants and let them settle in before adding the fish.

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