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Sep 4, 2014
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Hi everyone. I have a 15 gallon column tank and I love the Cichlid I have been keeping for several months now.
:hi: to the forum :)
What species of cichlid do you have?
fluttermoth said:
:hi: to the forum :)
What species of cichlid do you have?
It is a Midas Cichlid, grey horizontal stripe and light tiger bands.
Lovely fish.
I hate to do this to you, when you're so new here, but I'm afraid that's not a fish that is suitable for a 15g tank, especially not one of the column shaped ones :/
They can easily grow to a foot long, and so need a tank that is at least 5 feet in length, as it won't be able to swim properly and comfortably other wise...
I thank you for your help. This is his temporary home until he grows a bit, he is just a baby. I will be keeping my schooling fish in the 15 gallon!
It would be best to get him /her into a permanent home, ASAP. Fish are very prone to stunting in tanks that are too small, and that leads to all sorts of long term health issues. And, of course, by the time you realise they've stopped growing, it's too late and the damage will already be done.
Fish, like most animals, do most of their growth at the beginning of their lives, and a midas should be putting on around an inch a month.
Looks like I will be getting another tank soon! What shape is best for him? Traditional long tanks or bow fronts?
Bow fronted tanks are fine but it's the length that is important when you're housing big fish :)
fluttermoth said:
Bow fronted tanks are fine but it's the length that is important when you're housing big fish :)
Thanks. I'm glad I joined!
You're very welcome :)

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