New Here! Tips For My 10 Gallon Please!


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Aug 5, 2014
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Hi guys, I'm new to the hobby. I've kept Betta's in the past that have lived a few years, but other than that I really don't know a whole lot. A few months ago I had a Betta in a 5.5 gallon, then I decided to upgrade to a 10 gallon so I could have a variety of fish. My 10 gallon has been running for about 6 weeks now. About a week ago or so I picked up two freshwater dwarf puffers (feed them frozen bloodworms) with two ottos. The puffers have been perfectly fine and get along with the ottos. One otto died a couple days ago and I've read that Ottos are a hit or miss with a 50/50 chance of living so I'm not to worry about it dying due to a serious issue. Today I just picked up two Bumblebee Gobies (the ones that can tolerate FW). The DP's and BB's get along fine, I'm just worried about the whole BB's being brackish fish. I've done a good amount of research on my DP's so I would like to think I know a good amount about them. On the other hand, I am new to BB's since I've heard and read such different variety of information about them. 
I just wanted to give you guys a brief summary about my set up. I would LOVE to hear opinions, tips, suggestions, and recommendations. I love my little guys and I want them to live a long and happy life. Attached is a picture of my set up as of today. Thanks in advance!
Current Set-Up:
10 Gallon Rectangular 
TopFin 10 Filter (looking to upgrade, but I don't know to what)
50 Watt Eheim Jager
2 Dwarf Puffers
2 Bumblebee Gopies
1 Otto
3 Ghost Shrimp
1 Anubis Plant
1 Wysteria (which is dying, don't know what to do)
2 bunches of Java Moss
1 Java Fern and a baby one too
1 Amazon Sword
1 Moss Ball


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You'll want to feed those puffers snails every day. Also, don't be surprised if they kill your other tank inhabitants or each other. If they are not a pair, they can very aggressive. However, when housed alone (with a huge number of plants) they are an excellent choice for a ten gallon. I loved mine.

I'm pretty sure the bumbles will need salt in the water, making them a poor choice for this tank.

Otocinclus also need to be in shoals of six or more as they are naturally shy fish.
Why would I want to feed them snails everyday? I know that's their primary source of food in the wild, but I've never heard or read of feeding them snails everyday. Mine aren't aggressive as I've been watching them day to day, they have plenty of hiding spots and actually like each other. 
There are two types of bumblebee gobies, Brachygobius xanthozona and Brachygobius nunus. The xanthozona's are the ones that can live in freshwater. As for the nunus's, they are strictly brackish. I've heard and read numerous people keeping the xanthozona's perfectly happy in freshwater.
My one otto seems to be doing fine at the moment. There is no way I can fit 6 of those little guys with my current stocking. Is there another algae eater I can replace him with who doesn't need to be in a shoal?
I believe the snails are their main source of nutrition, and helps grind down their beak/teeth/not sure the term, though I've heard these ones don't need to do that as much as the bigger puffs. I'm sure Atti will know more though.
I have no idea on the bumblebee gobies, unfortunately.
Why are you looking specifically for an algae eater?
If you have algae you should find the reason for it and fix it, not get a fish to clean it up.
Nerite snails are great algae cleaners though I'm not sure if they'd be okay with the puffers. Perhaps if you get one that was already quite large?
Yeah I've heard and read that these puffers don't require that because their teeth/beaks really don't grow any bigger. These puffers just suck the snails out of their shells anyway.
I guess I'm not exactly looking for an algae eater, but more around the lines of a fish that helps clean up. I'm not being lazy, I do weekly water changes with gravel vacuuming over the sand. I guess I'm just looking for something that will just help out? I have 3 ghost shrimps that seem to be doing a very good job of cleaning up, I might get some more of those and take the otto out. I had a nerite, mystery, and apple snail in with just the puffers, it was a disaster lol. The puffers kept pecking at them until I finally had to remove the snails. 

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