Not sure what you mean by are the tanks "cycled" or what the "ph" is...
Each tank has a heater, filter, thermometer that reads right under 80F each tank (not the stick on kind, the kind with the red line inside it) and decor.
Heater they have: http

10 gal tank for the 5 Tiger Barbs (3 regular and 2 green).
This is the tank I bought: http

5 gal tank for the 2 German Blue Rams:

I have had both tanks and fish for about 5 or 6 months now.
Im not sure what you mean "what i plan to do with the tanks"... I plan on keeping them if thats what your asking. Since I got them set up and added the fish I havent had any problems so far. I joined the forum not to solve problems just to gain more knowledge in general about fish keeping as these are my first tanks. I have read a little from google searches to see what kind of food too feed and that kind of stuff but really dont know much else yet. Thats why i decided to join.
I feed OmegaOne to the tiger barbs (supposed to be a better brand) as well as once a week a tiny bit of hikari algae wafer and have ordered worm cone feeders that are coming next week so I can start feeding frozen bloodworms (i have fed freeze dried bloodworms to the tigers but they werent THAT interested, have also tried peas but again no interest.)
The German Blue Rams I have really found it hard to find info on (or info that agrees) but when i bought them the lady said they fed them mini aqueon cichlid pellets so thats what Im feeding. I have read they can have bloodworms and will try some on them late next week when the feeder cones come.