New Guppy Community - One Has Fin Rot?

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Mostly New Member
May 14, 2014
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Hi guys, 
I am new to the site and I am brand new to tropical fishkeeping. I decided to go tropical with some guppies so I went to my locals petsathome and bought 4 guppies (a cobra, a red, a black and a yellow) and 2 peppered codys. When I got them home, one immediately died when it was introduced into the water.  They were fully acclimatised. I dont know whether this was due to me pinching it when I was turning the bag out, or shock from me turning on the light on the aquarium but it was literally two seconds after being out the bag it died. The other fish are absolutely fine. 
Then yesterday I noticed that the red guppy is only swimming at the top of the tank into the current of the filter and doesnt generally move from that position. The other guppies join in occaisionally (which they are all currently doing just now) but do move about. The red one just stays there. Then I noticed that the tail looked like it had been nipped. The dorsal fin also looks a bit raggy. It has got progressively worse. 
I put King British Disease clear in and the fish started to swim about and looked a bit happier. Then I noticed white fuzz on his body.  
I will say that I previously had a beautiful big oranda goldfish who caught ich about 2 months ago. I tried to treat it and read online on another forum that chlorine can kill ich so I didnt dechlorinate the water and since there is cholramine in the water where I stay it killed the fish instantly. I felt horrible.  I dechlorinated the water and done a water change, put more medicne in the water and let the filter run for a good 4 weeks before putting the temp up to 24C the day before I bought my guppies. Can it be related? Ive got my stats below. Ive ran out of testing strips so no details yet. 
Tank size: 60litre
tank temp: 24C
Fish Symptoms:  The guppy started off with a full tail which now looks like a double tail. At first I thought it was a nip but the tank only has very passive fish in it.  Have spoken to LFS and they have also advised me that it may be fin rot. Just checked fish again and white fuzzy growth has appeared just after I added medication into the water. 

Volume and Frequency of water changes: The tank has been cycled and the fish just purchased on sunday so no water change has been done yet. 

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: water was dechlorinated and disease safe added today
Tank inhabitants: 3 guppies and 2 peppered codys

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): all fish just added on sunday

Exposure to chemicals: none
***update*** more spots have appeared on the fish and the other guppies are starting to chase it to the bottom of the tank. I dont have another heater to quarantine the fish but I think if I leave it with the others they will inadvertly kill him :( 
Welcome to the board.
Sorry for your loss. R.I.P.
Take a sample of your water to the LFS for testing and ask them to write the readings down for you.
The fish with the finrot is it having problems staying balanced in the water.
The patch on the fish does it look like cotton wool?
You say the fish have spots do they look small and white the size of a grain of salt?
Have you added a medication?
Do any of the fish gasp at surface of tank, or show signs of laboured breathing?
Hi thanks for replying. None of the fish gasp for air. they are all swimming about and none the wiser. The red guppy's tail is now drooping and hes trying his best to swim but any time he stops he loses his balance and the other fish are nudging him anytime he stops. I tried to put him in a little tank but as soon as he went in he went rigid so I put him back in his own tank and in the process the white spots have fallen off of him??? they did look like cotton wool 
Poor thing. It's not sounding good. Once a guppy loses half of it's tail they rarely survive. He already showing signs of getting exhausted. I would still try and isolate him. I think you are going to lose him. Sorry.
You need to add some myxazin by waterlife to the tank.
Ive lost the wee guy :( 
what does myaxin do? All I have is british king disease safe?
Bless Him.

Sorry for your loss.
Myxazin good on mild bacteria infections like finrot, mild columnaris.
Just check the king british medication. As I have never used it.
ah ok. What should I do now? Should I treat the rest of the tank incase they catch anything? I think it was fin rot but can the others catch it?
Is this the medication you have.
ing British Disease Clear is a disease preventative treatment.

- Protects damaged fins, gills and other body tissues from infections such as fin rot.
- Eradicates external bacterial infections including slime disease and ulcers.
- Aids quick regeneration and healing of damaged tissues.

Why Use Disease Clear?
- Disease Clear is a broad spectrum treatment that controls harmful external bacterial infections in aquariums and prevents secondary infection of damaged tissues.
- Disease Clear stops damaged fins from becoming infected and prevents fin rot.
- Aids quick regeneration of damaged tissues.
- Disease Clear treats fungal infections.

When To Use Disease Clear.
- When any part of the body is covered in excess mucus caused...
Never used it myself. Don't hear of it that much on here,. I would add it. anyway.
Do you mind letting us know how you get on.
Good Luck.
Thanks for looking it up. Yeah I will do. Hate seeing my wee fish sick :(
I know. Most of us have been there and it's not nice.
Sorry about the guppy happened to me as well. I gave up on them in the end.
I didn't want to just to heart breaking.
Good Luck.

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