New Gouramis


New Member
Apr 4, 2012
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Yesterday I added in 3 new gouramis to my tank. My yellow and moonlight ones are very active and swimming around amoungst my other fish including angles. But my blue marble looking one (who is much bigger than the other two) just hides behind the plants at the back. I dont think there is anything wrong with him as he does comes out occasionally and doesnt sit on the. bottom. Is this normal behaviour for a gourami? Or should I be worried?
Are they males or females? If the big blue one is a female maybe she doesn't like the attention she's getting from the males? How long have they been in the tank & how big is the tank?
Are they males or females? If the big blue one is a female maybe she doesn't like the attention she's getting from the males? How long have they been in the tank & how big is the tank?

Oh right ok didn't think of that. I know how to tell the difference between male and female platys and mollies but not gouramis so how can you tell the difference? It's a 120 litre tank with 2 angel fish, 10 platys, a sailfin leopard pleco, a golden pleco, the 3 gourmis and 2 zebra danios 7(I am going to get more but had to rescue my girlfriends fish from these two aggressive ones!). The gouramis and angels have been in there for 5 days now and the one blue one still acts the same.
That seems like a lot of fish for a 30 gallon tank in my opinion. You have 10 Platys and they get to be about 2 inches long each. The Golden & Opaline Gouramis get to be about 4 inches long at least, & that's not even considering the Plecos which eventually get huge. Angels require a tank with a lot of height due to their body shape. I'm afraid you may not have enough space for each fish to establish their own territory. That might be your problem right there.

Anyway, male Gouramis have a long dorsal fin that points toward their tail while females have a smaller, shorter dorsal fin that's rounded. Maybe you could post a picture of these Gouramis? Here's a pic of my female Opaline Gourami:

That looks like an Opaline Gourami, from what I know they're quite hardy and disease resistant so I wouldn't get too worried about that..
Yes, it's a female Opaline to be exact but I'm not the threadstarter. I was posting the pic so the TS could see what a female Opaline looks like.

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