New Gbr Not Doing So Hot Please Help


Fish Fanatic
Jun 26, 2012
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Okay so I got a gbr 2 days ago from my lfs. And I had never seen one in real life but have always been a fan of them and have actually read quite a bit about them. So anyways I see this little guy in. 15 gal tank with about 60 if not more fish and I felt so bad for the little guy I had to get him out there.

on a side note I have a planted 10 gallon. With only 1 angelfish that's about the size of a quarter and then 3 neons. So he now has a lot more room for himself than ge had before also he is about the size of a quarter as well. Also our local tap water is quite soft which I know they need and the ph is within the pairmeters they need. And the tank stays at 77.

Anyways ever since he's been in the tank he just swims back and fourth near the glass? Also he doesnt appear to be eating. Ive tried flake, pellets, bloodworms, and nothing. And that's all he does where as my angelfish is doing great. Is it because he doesn't have a female with him? I don't really know. Also I'm planning on moving to my 30 gallon planted at some point.

He would do much better in your 30 gallon. I've noticed that all the ram variations I've had are quite easily stressed. Most of the Rams I have purchased took about a week to start eating. Make sure the little one has many places to hide and don't forget to check your water parameters. Some of mine have also become very territorial. Don't put too much food in trying to get him to eat. It will only spoil your water and make a dangerous situation for that whole community. If it is active and swimming that is a good sign. Sounds like it may just be getting acclimated.
It does not sound like a major problem. They can be picky when they are settling in. He should start eating when he gets hungry. Do you have some hiding places in the tank to make him feel more comfortable? You may also want to keep the lights dim or off to help him settle in.

I agree Train on the 30 gallon.
Yes I have a lot of crypts, a large piece of driftwood which all the shrimp like to get in , and around and christmas moss tree as well. There aren't to many bare spots haha
You have shrimps in there? Your ram will certainly appreciate them when settled, very tasty snack...

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