New Fry And Going On!

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New Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Hi guys

This is my first experience with any sort of fry. My Platy decided to drop her fry last night, I didn't think she was ready so didn't have her in a trap or anything. When I got up this morning she was noticeably less pregnant, so I scoured the tank for fry but couldn't see any so assumed they had all been eaten over night :(
But upon doing my weeky water change just now one swam out on me so I quickly caught it in my net. So at the moment I don't have a trap, or another tank. So the sole surviving fry is currently housed in my catch net secured to the top of my tank.
Here's my other problem, I go on holiday on Friday for a week! As this fry seems to be the only survivor I would really like to make sure he/she survives!
Any help on how I can ensure survival will be greatly appreciated.

My tank I am currently running is a juwel rio 180, ex 700 external filter, with a sand substrate.
Tank mates are currently corys, swordtails, platys, harlequin rasboras, 2 rainbow fish, 2 clown loach and a male fighter

Thanks in advance
If you can get a small tank, like a starter tank (or a bucket) from your lfs or petshop fill it with as much water from your tank as you can spare (then top up the tank with dechlorinated water) If the little tank needs topping up use declorinated water like you'd use in a water change, also get some fry food like liquifry and leave him / her with a nice neighbour when you go away. i had 9 newborn fry and one a few months older in a 12 litre tank - i wasn't expecting any more than the older one, they were born the day before we went away and they spent 2 weeks with my aunt and no water changes.
As you only have one fry, if you want you can get a breeding net and put it in the big tank with the fry in and maybe a plant. hope ive helped
Thanks for the reply. So I can't get a small tank and dont have any neighbours I would trust with my fish :( I usually give them feeding blocks when we go away. I Have just ordered a breeding net though to keep the fry in.
I have read that the fry need feeding 4 times a day, is this true? I wouldn't be able to do this anyway as my wife and I both work full time!
I fed mine 3 times a day when i got up, got home and went to bed I don't know if they'd be able to eat feeding blocks how long are you away for?
I did have mine in a tiny tank with heater and small filter... but I had to leave mine with a feeding block and they all survived.

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