New Fish


New Member
Oct 4, 2015
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Hi, i have an 80l tropical tank with about 10 neons in it and i wanted some larger fish. I didnt know which ones to get incase they ate the neons. Its got a very powerful internal pump so should be able to handle larger waste amounts.
As I see this is your first post, I'd like to welcome you to TFF.
An 80 litre (21 gallon) tank is not very large, and although 10 neons will not max it out, getting "larger" fish could.  However, there are some options.  You don't mention water parameters (hardness primarily, also pH, and then temperature) so I will think along the lines of fish compatible with neons in that regard.  And temperature for neons should not be too warm; around 24-25 C (75-77 F) is about as high as you want it for neons.  The Honey Gourami comes to mind; a trio (one male, two females is best) should work well.  A Bolivian Ram would work, just one (this species does very well solitary); the common or Blue Ram would not be a good idea as it needs more warmth.  I personally would consider another small shoaling species; in tanks as small as this one, it is generally better to have smaller fish, with more of them, than looking for something larger.
A quick word on filters.  "Larger waste amounts" is only one aspect of more or larger fish, and no amount of filtration can counter inappropriate fish combinations.  Larger fish generally need more room just to be "normal" in their behaviours and tendencies, and their impact on the tank's biology can be more significant that just their size if they are in what is to them a stressful situation with respect to the space and other fish.
Gourami was the first thing that came to my mind too.  Some Dwarf or Honey gourami would go nicely.

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