New Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 27, 2014
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Yesterday I went to a large aquatics centre close to Milton Keynes and it's impressive.

Spoke to them about my tank and fish. He asked about the mollies and looked at pictures, he said at the min they arnt very big and are ok for the tank but in next 6 months I should 're home or place in a larger tank.

He suggested I put a few small fish in now so got 4 harliquins.

He said when the mollies grow they can grow quick so to keep an eye, I was looking for a new larger tank while there and found fee nice ones so that's next on list to do.

He said things will be ok for about 6 months but need to watch the mollies growth
How small is the tank? I have my mollies housed in a 10 gallon at the moment, there's 2 of them, gold mollies. As far as I know, and I could be wrong, mollies will only grow to the size that they feel the tank allows them. Instead of wasting your time setting up a small tank, and then in 6 months having to set up a larger tank, why don't you just go straight to the larger tank? just suggestions.
10 gallon also.

But want a larger tank anyway for my living room, so I'm able to add larger fish
I personally don't see a problem with having mollies in a 10 gallon, from personal expieriances they don't seem like very active fish such as tetras and zebra danios, however the bigger the better. I would house them in anything under 10 gallons. good luck. post pictures?
Mollies need around thirty gallons because they can easily reach five or six inches.

fishlover101 said:
How small is the tank? I have my mollies housed in a 10 gallon at the moment, there's 2 of them, gold mollies. As far as I know, and I could be wrong, mollies will only grow to the size that they feel the tank allows them. Instead of wasting your time setting up a small tank, and then in 6 months having to set up a larger tank, why don't you just go straight to the larger tank? just suggestions.
No fish "only grow to the size they think the tank allows them." What actually happens is growth hormone are continued to be released, but the constraints of the tank stunt the growth, so the fish actually suffer from painful deformities such as warped spines, injuries organs, and bent fins.

Harlequin rasboras need a larger tank as well. In addition, they need more members for a school. I think 30 gallons is also the minimum for these guys, but I'm not positive.
Harliquins are baby's. And I'm planning a larger 55 gallon tank in next month or so , so not a issue really for size
It is always best to only have stock which fit your current tank. Though we may have the best intentions, frequently something happens and we don't get the larger tank.

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