New Fish!


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2010
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So I went to Petsmart today looking to keep stocking my tank after fishless cycling. There was already 5 tiger barbs and 1 honey gourami in the tank prior so I went to check some new fish out. I have been eying a german blue ram ever since petsmart started stocking them couple weeks ago for $6.49. I also saw a clown pleco o.0 I was so surprised they had those so I got one for $7.99 since they stay relatively small and the color I saw in pictures is amazing.

So far my clown has found a new home under my driftwood and my GBR is already poking around the tank, which I am surprised since I thought they would take a while to get used to their new surroundings. The color still hasn't shown besides a little by its mouth but I expect it to soon. Kept a close watch whether my barbs would bother my GBR and so far so good, they prefer to chase each other rather than pay attention to the ram.

What do you guys think of my stock so far and what should I stock next, if anything? Was thinking a small school of cardinal tetras or a couple more honey gouramis or pearl gourami. Would 3 honey gouramis be ok in my tank even if they are all male? Anything I should know about clown plecos as well?
I suggest you up the tigers to 8 then up the honey Gs up to 3. 3 males will NOT work, you'll need either 1 male 2 females or 3 females. Just incase you didn't know, I'm pretty sure clown plecs don't eat algae if that's what you wanted.

Also other helpful info would be:
Tank size
Tank temp
Water change schedule

EDIT: spell check :blush:
I suggest you up the tigers to 8 then up the honey Gs up to 3. 3 males will NOT work, you'll need either 1 male 2 females or 3 females. Just incase you didn't know, I'm pretty sure clown plecs don't eat algae if that's what you wanted.

Also other helpful info would be:
Tank size
Tank temp
Water change schedule

EDIT: spell check :blush:

Hi thanks, here's some info

Tank size 24G/90L
Tank temp 78 F
Filtration Marineland filter for up to 30G/ 2 filter pads
Ph 7.6 tap
Hardness No clue
Water change schedule 25-40% every Friday

I think 8 tiger barbs will be a little too much considering they will grow and I want to put other fish in the tank as well,not just barbs. Might consider 6 soon, but I'll see. Thanks for the info on the clown pleco, I read that they eat mostly wood and only a little algae, but then again i've never had a big algae problem before. Would it be ok to put a BN pleco with my clown in the future?

Also would a Bolivian ram be ok with the GBR in the tank or that a no-no? I will probably just end my stocking with 6 cardinal tetras and maybe another barb.
The GBR will need a higher temp then what you already have too. They like it about 84*. I'd suggest a pair of bolivians instead as they will be better for your water. this is what I'd do:
1. Add 1 more barb
2. Add 2 more honeys (make sure it's 1 male and 2 female)
3. Get a pair of bolivians instead of the GBR (GBR are also very fragile, while bolivians are much hardier.
The GBR will need a higher temp then what you already have too. They like it about 84*. I'd suggest a pair of bolivians instead as they will be better for your water. this is what I'd do:
1. Add 1 more barb
2. Add 2 more honeys (make sure it's 1 male and 2 female)
3. Get a pair of bolivians instead of the GBR (GBR are also very fragile, while bolivians are much hardier.

I've heard many people say that GBR's are easier to take care of than they look, so far mine is already showing beautiful blue colors on its whole body and fins and even swims with my barbs sometimes. Same thing with the temperature I've read and heard you can keep them anywhere from 78-86F and they will do just fine. I'd rather have a nice GBR than going through the hassle of finding a pair of bolivians.

Will probably add another barb this week.

Are female honeys pale btw, because I've never seen one with different coloration and its hard to sex them because in stores you can't tell if its male or female by looking at the dorsal fin since they are still young. If you have any tips on this that'll be great

Thanks for everything so far btw, and would a BN pleco be ok with my clown if I decided to add it for algae control?
No male and female honeys are the same color.
I'd say yes but bn make lots of poop so I'm not sure.
No male and female honeys are the same color.
I'd say yes but bn make lots of poop so I'm not sure.

Thanks I'll look into the honeys. Any more surefire way to sex them besides the dorsal fin? Especially the younger ones you find at chain stores like Petsmart. Prefer to buy them there since my local stores usually sell them for double the price with a shorter warranty.
Ask or pm ruskull I'm sure he knows lol.
Sounds good maybe he can reply on this topic :good:
I would be careful adding the bn. Mine killed a juvi royal panaque after getting along just fine for 3 months.
Ask or pm ruskull I'm sure he knows lol.

Honey Gouramis are one of the hardest Gouramis to sex when they're young because they haven't had a chance to mature enough.

The best & most definitive way to tell is the dorsal fin being pointed or rounded but they are other ways. Much like the Dwarf Gouramis, the females & males have different shaped bodies. The female's body is taller but shorter in length than the male's. It almost gives them a diamond shaped appearance from the side, similar to a Pearl Gourami female. The natural colored females also have a single horizontal stripe which makes it very easy. Unfortunately the captive bred color variations don't always have this stripe.

Let me see if I can find a good male & female pic & I'll edit this post when I find them.

Here's an especially colorful female that a poster "Creg" posted in the Gourami section:

(Notice the short, but tall body shape which almost forms a diamond)

Here's some really bad pics of male Gouramis in 2 of my tanks:

(Note the longer length but shorter height & the obviously pointed dorsal fins, which fade to a silvery gray tip)




Thanks Ruskull, seems like all the bigger chain stores sell males, since I've never seen an example of the female you've shown lol =(
Your best bet might be to wait until your male matures a bit more & then ask a local fish only store to order one a female or two. It'll cost a little more but it'll be worth it. If I didn't already have overstocked tanks I'd be in the market for 2 females myself. In facxt if I see them available I just might rehome something else to make room. :shifty:

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