New Fish Owner. New Tank Cycle?!


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Sep 9, 2012
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Hello, my name is Nichole. I am 17 years old & I've always wanted a fish tank! Well last Friday I finally got one!
In my tank I have 5 danios, 1 pelcustomus , and 1 rainbow shark. I love them! But then I started hearing about this new tank cycle.... I wast aware of none of this until recently.
None of my fish has died. I recently did a 15% water change. I feed them at 12:00 & 6:00.
I guess, I am just hoping you guys tell me more about this cycle, tell me your experience, I need advice.
Plus my pilcustomus isn't leaving behind the filter, I out algae pelets in the tank but I haven't seen him leave to eat. I move him but he goes right back :/ I'm worrying that I'm doing stuff wrong and my fish will eventually die :( please help?
Start here:
Lots of good info on those links. Pay close attention the the fish in cycle as that is what you are now in.
The short version is you need a liquid based test kit like the API master kit that many of us use and a dechlorinator like Seachem Prime. Test you water everyday and if you see any ammonia or nitrite do a 70-90% water change. Depending on the size of your tank (I hope with danios a plec and a shark you have a huge tank) you may be changing the water everyday for the next 2 months. It's lots of work but the only way to keep your fish alive.
Here are some resources that you should read thoroughly to help you:

Unfortunately, I had the same experience as well. You will need to do a lot of water changes. At LEAST 50%. I suggest you stop feeding for awhile- or at least a lot less. I only feed my fish once a day, and since ammonia will be a problem with your uncycled tank, I'd say feed every other day... fish can go up to a month without food :)

First, which is very important, you need to get an API master kit (freshwater) to test your water. For now though, do a 50% water change (or more) to make sure ammonia levels are low.
Depends where you live, in Canada I get mine for about $35 not sure about Europe where alot of these members seem to be from
Woah, woah, woah! You move your catfish!? I hope i read that wrong but if you are physically forcing him to move that is a big no no! Forcing a fish to move will only make it want to hide more and stress it out to the point of death!
Where can I find the ap tester things? And approximately how much are they?
Amazon is where I got mine. Price is $19.21 right now. Just search for API Freshwater Master Kit. Most any place that sells fish should carry them too. May be a few bucks more but no wait on shipping.

By the way, how big is your tank?
Leave your Pleco where he is, he will come out when he is ready. If he is hiding behind the filter, do you have any caves or bog wood in your tank? Many Plecos are nocturnal, and he is also getting used to the tank. Give him time and plenty of hiding places. Don't move him yourself, he will stress out, hide more, and possibly get sick from stress

What size is your tank? Do you know what kind of Pleco you have? Many will become far too big for the small tanks beginners usually purchase.

Have you purchursed a liquid test kit? You are REALLY going to need one. You are in a fish in cycle, so you need to do large water changes, to make sure ammonia and nitrite are as close to 0 as possible.

I wish you luck
I got mine off amazon as well, $17. It's much cheaper online, in my LFS it's $30. But it's accurate, and you will definitely need one.
How big is your tank and any filter in the tank?

feed the fish once every two days when you cycling the tank and do this for 2-3 weeks at least. try to test your water before and after water change. wait for 30 minutes after water change.

If you could, try to get a beneficial bacteria in a bottle and add some salt (1tsp per 40L), any salt is fine except table salt, this will add some nutrient that good for the fish.
Plus use a good water conditioner, such as seachem prime. try to get it online for better price.

If you are on the budget and hopefully your tank has a filter running at least 2-3 turnover perhour (your filter volume/your tank volume), just use the water conditioner or any dechlorinator that you currently have. do water change every 2 days and feed the fish once every 2 days. do not clean the filter for at least one week. Try to age the water for your water change overnite and add some aeration if possible.

Every week, rinse the filter with water from the fish tank. for the pleco, get a 3-4cm zuchini, divided into 4. Use fork to submerse this, feed this every 3 days at nite. feed this when you want to sleep and take it out the next morning and do 20%-30% water change in the afternoon. and feed the fish the next day just a litle bit.

Good luck

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